Philatelic Stamp Managers is excited to offer this rare piece of philatelic and US history!

CEPHALOPEX, Official 1942 Stamps
WSA & ASA Sanctioned
Presented in Chapbook, Minnesota
4.5"H x 4.75"W, Chapbook with 3 pages of Stamps, Signed.

During the 20's, 30's, and 40's, perhaps in response to depression conditions, small towns in the US Midwest organized philatelic exhibitions based on Hubert Eggland's ground breaking work in postal patel illustration. By today's standards these "happenings" would be considered awfully darn strange, but at that time attendees flocked from hundreds of miles around to participate in the festivities. |
Few relics remain from these events. Recently PSM was offered for purchase a lifetime collection which included a number of CEPHALOPEXic memorabilia. Our lucky day!

Purchase your copy before supplies are gone!